Japanese crossword «North American»
Size: 19x17 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 23.09.19 | Author: Vlan |
Wasn't this one already here with a different title?
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Crosswords are tested before being published. And I chose the name as correct as possible, because in the previous crossword puzzle, I was accused of racism.
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Good puzzle Vlan. Its hard work trying not to offend people all the time.
This reminds me the "restaured" Ecce Homo of Borja.
"North American" meaning what, exactly? What makes this image "North American"? Plus, changing your terms but not your actions/intent because you think you were "accused of racism", not because you did something racist, isn't really changing anything at all.
Also, re: the guest comment above, it may be hard work trying not to be a hurtful jerk towards people, but I do think we have a moral responsibility to do so.
Also, re: the guest comment above, it may be hard work trying not to be a hurtful jerk towards people, but I do think we have a moral responsibility to do so.
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Looks like an Inuit in a parka. Guessing the previous title was Eskimo which some people find offensive
We have a proverb: On a thief a hat is on fire. This means that whoever talks a lot about something does just that. I made the name by analogy with Native American. I don’t know what you might like, but I know for sure one thing: I don’t give a damn about someone’s whims, I’m doing my job.
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What exactly does that mean? If it means the thought police should be out and active even on a nonogram site, I wholeheartedly disagree.
replyNobody has a MORAL obligation to scold GROWN folks. Social Justice Warriors need to get over themselves and let people do, say, think and be ANYTHING they want to be whether others like it or not and quit looking for reasons to be offended. Calling someone you do not even know a racist crosses the line. I have to wonder where the thought police even find the time to do a puzzle. Seems to me policing the whole world is a full time job.
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I've just found out that "Eskimo" which is a perfectly neutral, descriptive term for "people wearing laced shoes" is now considered a slur. Who'd have known?
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You learn something new everyday eh! https://www.uaf.edu/anlc/resources/inuit_or_eskimo.php#:~:text=Although%20the%20name%20"Eskimo"%20was,imposed%20by%20non-Indigenous%20people.
replyDid you just go on a rant about people scolding others?
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Hang up a second! No one has mentioned anything about anyone being racist! It seems you're the one offended and trying to turn a comment section on a puzzle site into the new front line in the culture war!!
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I guess you missed the whole conversation about the author changing the title because he was accused of racism.
replyThere is nothing defamating or racist in showing a neutral picture of somebody. Even if this picture is just a black/white pixelated one. You don't make fun of anybody or hurt any group of people whatsoever. The title might be the only thing here where people could complain about. We now know "Eskimo" is a slur, so "Northern American" or "Inuit" would be the better choice.
Appart from that: This is a nonogram-website. Even discussing this issue here couldn't be further appart from why people are here. The solve riddles and move on. To the next riddle.
replyAppart from that: This is a nonogram-website. Even discussing this issue here couldn't be further appart from why people are here. The solve riddles and move on. To the next riddle.
Policing the world is definitely not what's called for and calling someone a racist is certainly not helpful unless you really know their intent, but I think we do have a responsibility to share what we have learned. Tikkun Olam. "Assume positive intent" seems like a good starting point. If someone inadvertently uses a term that offends, we can assume they meant well and tactfully offer an alternative.
And by the way, I think this is a really beautiful picture.
replyAnd by the way, I think this is a really beautiful picture.
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I think this puzzle, as well as the other "native American" ones are lovely. Some of the titles of these puzzles are being viewed as offensive or in the very least incorrect, without consideration of language and translation differences. There is plenty of artwork in the world with "politically incorrect" titles by today's definitions, and many, many of these nonograms are true works of art. Please, no policing...but I agree maybe tactfully suggested alternatives could be offered without judgement.