Japanese crossword «Indian son»
Size: 15x16 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 18.09.19 | Author: Vlan |
Please note: Vlan is Russian-speaking, makes comments on the mother-site at nonograms.ru, and may not look at the nonograms.com site. (You may find what language the artists speaks by clicking on Author, clicking on info, clicking on comments).
Last year I tried to explain why an image of an old-fashioned stereotyped African slave was offensive to me. The Russian author was very confused. I said it would hurt people. She said the image was from a story in which an African child is rescued from a slave-ship by Russians sailors, who has freedom in Russia and is cared for with kindness. For the artist the image was a symbol of love and acceptance.
I have since made a greater effort to respect the culture of our Russian-speaking artists, and (having learned they are volunteers whose reward is our gratitude), say (if I can say nothing else) "thank you" (спасибо).
replyLast year I tried to explain why an image of an old-fashioned stereotyped African slave was offensive to me. The Russian author was very confused. I said it would hurt people. She said the image was from a story in which an African child is rescued from a slave-ship by Russians sailors, who has freedom in Russia and is cared for with kindness. For the artist the image was a symbol of love and acceptance.
I have since made a greater effort to respect the culture of our Russian-speaking artists, and (having learned they are volunteers whose reward is our gratitude), say (if I can say nothing else) "thank you" (спасибо).
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A great explanation from the thought police as to why they'll remain to be the thought police but keep their mouth shut after not keeping their mouth shut.
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Two years later, I must apologize for being such an ass, which I did to Sheryl_Hill at the time. Shame on me!
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An excellent way to approach the world in general; спасибо, Vlan.
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That was a nice story. I come here for the puzzles and get community spirit and lessons about other cultures as a bonus. :)
replyThe fact that an image gives the white person who makes it a case of the warm fuzzies doesn't make it any less racist.
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Some of us don't see the boogie man on a nonogram site. Others, not so much.
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Some try really hard to be offended by anything. When I was at college, I had a very good friend from an Indian family. In friendly banter - as friends do! - I thought nothing of calling him Wog, and he wasn't at all bothered by it. Instead, by reply he used to call me 'Paleface'! Sadly after college, he had to return to India, and we haven't met since.
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Yes, there are some normal people left in the world.
replyThat quite depends.
Is it an image of KKK members burning African-Americans? You're right. The artist getting warm fuzzies from that would actually make it more racist.
Is it a depiction of an African face? I'd say that would make it less (negatively) racist. Black face is racist because of its cultural history, not because painting your face black is inherently awful.
In this case, we can just say it refers not to Native Americans, but to the fictionalized "Indians" as seen in Westerns. I think that's acceptable.
replyIs it an image of KKK members burning African-Americans? You're right. The artist getting warm fuzzies from that would actually make it more racist.
Is it a depiction of an African face? I'd say that would make it less (negatively) racist. Black face is racist because of its cultural history, not because painting your face black is inherently awful.
In this case, we can just say it refers not to Native Americans, but to the fictionalized "Indians" as seen in Westerns. I think that's acceptable.
(Google translation) I agree. Our cultures are different. In Russia, the Indian is a symbol of dexterity and courage. Sorry if offended by something. This is the second drawing. I also have a drawing of the leader of the Indians, so I called this crossword puzzle the Son of an Indian.
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Oh wow.. People who "might" get offended by a nonogram puzzle (and those who officiously worry about it) should really stop using the internet, for their own good. This is a beautiful artwork, and a fun puzzle. Just that. Those who manage to see menace in this is pushing someone's agenda.
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Thank you for saying this. As an aforementioned American, no we do not all get offended by artwork. Plenty of us do not. Those of us who have two brain cells to rub together know that this is just art and wonder why it is not OK to display an Indian in headdress is not OK. Frankly we get tired of seeing Social Justice Warriors on a website that is just a stinking game.
replyYes, thank you! Mass media has pushed the definition of 'racism' to mean almost anything. True racism hurts and kills an example being Hitler. People who are "offended" by a picture or an 'idea' a picture might represent do not have a good perception of reality. These people will find anything offensive to make a political point, but have no argument beyond 'racism' and that they are hurt, but the picture hasn't hurt a person from that race.