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Japanese crossword «Venice»

Size: 60x40Picture:7/10Difficulty:8/10Added:09.09.19Author: Ayzhana

MarieDue (14 March 2020, 17:27) complain
Five hours of wonderful brain work out
Lyman_Zerga (7 October 2020, 23:15) complain
Djeez, my brain is bleeding. That was a lot of work!
I like to be challenged but why on earth did I choose such a big grid...
Logician (29 December 2020, 2:30) complain
A steady, logical solve and a nice image at the end. Thank you.
show: 2 🗨
Ali27 (12 February 2021, 19:47) complain
Agreed. Logical and steady. I loved it. Really nice picture
Guylaine (17 April 2021, 1:30) complain
Ditto. Not so complicated but very enjoyable!
Barry_Hick (31 December 2021, 20:44) complain
Difficult for me, had to guess once, but a very satisfying task.
miaow (8 January 2023, 16:14) complain
Good one, all very logical, but need to keep constantly rechecking to find the next block. A bit too big for me, but just what I needed for a rainy morning.
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