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Japanese crossword «Portrait of a warrior»

Size: 60x80Picture:9/10Difficulty:8/10Added:02.09.19Author: Irina-belko61

alpererhan (6 November 2019, 18:12) complain
Nice image. Fun to solve. Thanks :)
robi80 (27 November 2019, 21:08) complain
9thgrs (2 March 2020, 1:23) complain
started big, in the end had to guess a couple of times. Thanks
LON3R (4 September 2020, 17:05) complain
Honestly this was probably the greatest puzzle I have done so far. Very well made, detailed, and just all around amazing.
Inshadow (5 September 2020, 1:15) complain
Really awesome picture
Eragon (5 October 2020, 22:08) complain
How do get so much detail in black and white!!! It looks Amazing.
Headrock (29 July 2021, 1:43) complain
BRUTAL. There are SEVERAL points where only a single square must be solved in order to continue, and oftentimes it requires very esoteric techniques. I hate spending hints, and I had to spend all of them to finish this. Still took me several days. The picture is excellent, but was it worth my sanity?
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