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Japanese crossword «Fawn»

Size: 33x46Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:17.08.14

Dave_Kurz (13 July 2018, 19:25) complain
really enjoyed this one
dengizhan (8 October 2019, 17:42) complain
Is the problem with me or is this one doable at all???!!
Maybe I need some time out, after staring at the screen for a straight 2 hours...
show: 2 🗨
MuckTheSystem (21 March 2022, 11:46) complain
İlk planda karalanan karelerden sonra normal çözmek imkansız. Satrançtaki 3-4 hamle sonrasını görmek gibi ihtimaller üzerinden gitmek gerekiyor. Resmin sağındaki ayak ve kalça kısmından birkaç kare yakalayınca gerisi çok kolay geliyor ama o birkaç kareyi yakalamak çok zor. Kolay gelsin ;)
Onono (14 July 2023, 2:19) complain
I stared for a long time too, until I filled in a square near the left side on the 14th row. The "1" in that row, along with some Xs near the middle of the last few columns, meant that the 13 and 15 in the 4th- and 5th-last columns couldn't be side-by-side in the top half, so at least one of them had to be in the bottom half. From there, it all fell into place.
saggi (29 November 2019, 14:39) complain
Bambi :D
Jose_Duran_Granados (1 April 2020, 17:21) complain
smkim000 (30 December 2022, 5:49) complain
Wow! So tricky!
gogo17 (12 January 2023, 17:18) complain
Verrry tricky. Yet a nice challenge.. And the outcome is super..
Kalou (5 May 2023, 13:40) complain
Simple but vert original and beautiful picture
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