Japanese crossword «Cantharellaceae»
Size: 35x35 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 02.05.19 | Author: tut |
Beautiful! Love the details to use the entire puzzle space!
replyInteresting. I'm not familiar with the subject matter, so I don't recognize it from the pic. But this was fun to complete, and I agree, it's a great use of the space.
The Cantharellaceae are a family of fungi that contains the chanterelles and related species, a group of fungi that superficially resemble agarics (gilled mushrooms) but have smooth, wrinkled, or gill-like hymenophores (spore-bearing undersurfaces)
I did think that it was going to be a retro radio as I worked from left to right
The Cantharellaceae are a family of fungi that contains the chanterelles and related species, a group of fungi that superficially resemble agarics (gilled mushrooms) but have smooth, wrinkled, or gill-like hymenophores (spore-bearing undersurfaces)
I did think that it was going to be a retro radio as I worked from left to right
The puzzle was easy at first but got difficult toward the end. Great fun!