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Japanese crossword «Rebus with physical quantity (in Russian)»

Size: 30x36Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:28.04.19Author: PolN0vik

Dodiad (29 April 2019, 3:48) complain
Can somebody please explain the rebus for those of us who don’t speak Russian?
Fenris (29 April 2019, 7:08) complain
It was lovely, I liked it a lot, but I am left curious about the title, what is "Rebus" and what does it have to do with the picture?
Author PolN0vik (29 April 2019, 12:23) complain
Rebus cannot be done in two languages. But it seems to me that not knowing Russian you can try to solve it using an automatic translator. Now I will describe the process in detail.
See what is drawn in the rebus. Hint in Spoiler:
Fox, near which equals 1=3 and 3=1.
See the solution of the rebus in spoilers:
1. In any rebus the picture corresponds to a certain word. There's a Fox in our rebus. If rebus is Russian, you need to translate the word "Fox" in Russian. Fox will be «лиса» in Russian.
2. Mentally number the letters in the word "лиса". Put the third letter instead of the first letter (equality 1=3 requires it). Then put the first letter instead of the third letter (equality 3=1 requires it). Get a new word that will be the answer.
See the answer in spoiler:
СИЛА (This word means Force into English. Force is a physical quantity)
Corpore (29 April 2019, 12:31) complain
Very good
Author PolN0vik (29 April 2019, 12:31) complain
:) And there is my rebus in English here:
show: 1 🗨
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (29 April 2019, 17:22) complain
Thank you. The explanations are very helpful.
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (29 April 2019, 17:20) complain
deidaq (29 April 2019, 19:43) complain
I love these so much. I don't speak Russian, so I don't fully understand the puzzle, but I appreciate the cleverness that goes into it. And the image is very pretty.
mogada (29 April 2019, 22:50) complain
Yes, you are too clever for me, but thanks for the thorough explanation and great puzzle.
sleestak (1 May 2019, 23:11) complain
Brilliant. Lovely picture with a riddle wrapped inside.
GulfCoastGuppy (9 May 2019, 19:32) complain
Fantastic. I haven't been able to solve any of your rebus yet but they are fun trying.
Al-e (12 May 2019, 20:49) complain
Thank you
Greer (11 May 2021, 3:48) complain
Always love your rebus puzzles
kaatjeflipse (21 November 2022, 15:11) complain
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