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Japanese crossword «Cherry»

Size: 15x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:06.03.19Author: Maxinus

Bradley (7 March 2019, 6:48) complain
Nice challenge! I might have been overly tired when doing it but I struggled on this one. The picture is ok.
Wow. For such a small puzzle, it was a real challenge. Good job!
Sarei (7 March 2019, 12:05) complain
Indeed not as easy as the size might suggest!
Corpore (7 March 2019, 14:48) complain
Difficult for so small a puzzle. Good
Fenris (7 March 2019, 20:52) complain
huh, neat. I struggled through it, and kept wondering why such a small puzzle was so difficult. Afterwards I look at the comments and find that it wasn't just me.
Alyaa (8 March 2019, 14:01) complain
It's was hard! :D I had to use the hints and even whit them, I struggled, haha! Thanks, nice challenge! I'll replay it later :p
Guest: CommenterGr (14 March 2019, 12:12) complain
wow i have solved bigger puzzles easier. had to use hints cause there was no clue after some points, not sure if it was the puzzle lacking clues or me who couldn figure it out. love nonograms!
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LuisArtGuerra (24 May 2019, 5:58) complain
There are clues, but they are hard to find!
Guest: ZEV ELLIOTT (24 March 2019, 15:41) complain
JM700042 (3 June 2019, 19:46) complain
This was a challenge. Recognizable picture too!
Guest: jan (29 June 2019, 0:31) complain
difficult for his size. nice picture
smartymarty (15 July 2019, 10:26) complain
nice challenge!
Guest: wudoku (26 October 2019, 20:06) complain
Nice that so small can still be relatively difficult!
NevilleJ (30 May 2020, 21:10) complain
I too struggled, there is a point when basic (maybe obvious) guesswork is needed.I would like to know if it can be done WITHOUT guessing.
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John_Robertshaw (20 June 2020, 14:32) complain
Yes it can
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Lyman_Zerga (15 September 2020, 10:55) complain
Still not sure ;)
JUDIT (14 July 2021, 18:57) complain
All the puzzles on this site are solvable without guessing. They check to make sure before they accept the puzzle. But I'm with you on this one. I had to use hints.

A bit of advice. When you get stuck, use a hint instead of guessing. Then look at the hint they gave you. It's not just random. It's the next logical step in the puzzle. see if you can figure out how you could have gotten there yourself. That will help you improve your skills.
rocknbozo (20 January 2021, 4:58) complain
tough to start
munkin (22 January 2024, 23:20) complain
I agree with all of the above -- and can't figure out how if it was so tough for everyone, the average time is 7 minutes. I knew I was stuck for quite a while a couple of times before I figured out the next logical step, but figured it would have to be a 9 minute puzzle at least! (I did it in 11:29 and forced myself not to guess or use a hint.)
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