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Japanese crossword «Les Claypool»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:04.03.19Author: Eric_Windeman

stefanocase (5 March 2019, 15:03) complain
Wow! Not only I liked the puzzle, but it's also referring to a subject that's one of my favorites EVER! Thanks!
show: 2 🗨
Guest: ErIk Uindeman (7 March 2019, 18:47) complain
Wow! Not only I liked the puzzle, but it's also referring to a subject that's one of my favorites EVER! Thanks! Reply
Guest: ErIk Uindeman (7 March 2019, 18:48) complain
Glad to!)
deidaq (6 March 2019, 16:50) complain
Lots of detail in such a small space, and it works very well. Fun to complete.
show: 1 🗨
Guest: ErIk Uindeman (7 March 2019, 18:50) complain
So it was conceived!
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