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Japanese crossword «Sleeping cat»

Size: 45x30Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:28.02.19Author: Tverianka

Puzzled (1 March 2019, 6:59) complain
Really having a hard time seeing it!
Guest: BC11 (1 March 2019, 21:58) complain
I can see it, but Tverianka has made plenty of better looking images than this one.
deidaq (5 March 2019, 20:27) complain
I agree. I appreciate the attempt, but this is not a very clear image.
Corpore (9 March 2019, 19:48) complain
Not quite
Olavi (11 March 2019, 20:57) complain
I dont see a cat. :(
Guest: noga (19 March 2019, 11:57) complain
It's a cat <3
xowl (14 August 2019, 21:22) complain
To me, it's one of those pictures that can be two things. I see the sleeping cat, and I also see a man with a monocle looking to the left. The ears of the cat are also the eye and nose of the man.

If you still don't see the cat, it may help to know that it's a calico. The two irregular ovalish spots in the middle are darker marking on its left rear leg. It's head it tucked in the upper left against the same let's knee. Our cats (also calicos) sleep like that often.

I enjoyed this one quite a bit after doing several of the same creator's more difficult ones in a row.
Guest: oboes (28 February 2020, 4:49) complain
How cute!! She's such a baby I love her!
My cat sleeps just like this one, and I especially love the detail on her forehead.
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