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Japanese crossword «The Eye»

Size: 45x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:10.02.19Author: MetaMorpheus

GulfCoastGuppy (11 February 2019, 0:06) complain
Interestingly different!
Maluca (11 February 2019, 14:32) complain
Can be better
John_Robertshaw (11 February 2019, 14:46) complain
Interestingly difficult as well - more than 2* - very good indeed!
It's a bit "eye" brow for me
It was educational - (or is it that I am a good pupil!)
Here's looking at you kid
The subject "lens" itself well to this type of puzzle
It was so blinking difficult that I shed a few tears!
Sorry - have used up my spoiler allowance for today!!!
show: 2 🗨
Ellymayc (17 February 2019, 15:05) complain
:) :) :)
msat (5 August 2021, 7:50) complain
You might say the glasses half full, but eye think it's overflowing, and I'm not sure I can face the fact that it's looking like you've seen past me on this one. And yeah, I found it quite difficult, too, but thought it was just because I'm... uh... not seeing straight these days. (No pun intended on that last one!)
Guest: Puzzlings (9 August 2019, 23:20) complain
I like it! It's so fierce yet calm!
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