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Japanese crossword «Dog»

Size: 43x43Picture:5/10Difficulty:5/10Added:04.02.19Author: sergey

Joaquin (7 February 2019, 23:16) complain
How is this a dog?
MamaBairn (8 February 2019, 9:28) complain
I don't see the subject at all, not big or thumbnail size.
nataliecv (9 February 2019, 9:33) complain
I'll have to check the thumbnail. I'm glad I'm not the only one not able to see the large picture.
Ellymayc (10 February 2019, 1:09) complain
It's looking at you with its head tipped to the right, nose in the bottom left hand corner. Interesting angle :)
show: 1 🗨
Jimbobovalsocks (16 February 2019, 3:46) complain
Whoops! I didn't see you comment! I wrote the same thing!
Jimbobovalsocks (16 February 2019, 3:44) complain
No, I can't see it. I thought it was going to be Darth Vader for a while!
show: 1 🗨
Jimbobovalsocks (16 February 2019, 3:45) complain
Actually I can see it in the thumbnail. It's staring straight at you with its nose pointing down to the left. A better image than I thought at first.
Guest: Person (18 February 2019, 11:22) complain
This a beautiful piece, nicely crafted. Thank you
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