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Japanese crossword «The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish»

Size: 70x80Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:26.12.18Author: Irina-belko61

Spiros (20 January 2019, 18:32) complain
That was tough to solve …!!!.
Thank you, Irina …!!!.
Kana_Pham (25 February 2019, 23:40) complain
The picture is beautiful. It did take quite a bit of guessing to complete though.
robi80 (19 May 2019, 1:44) complain
No guessing needed. Picture is a bust.
Tsiridis_Dimitris (24 September 2019, 1:55) complain
It's impossible!!! Cannot be reasonable a game 70x80 with most of numbers 1s and 2s. I wonder the artists manage to solve their games using only tha numbers. This game should never have been uploaded. I believe Irina is very good artist but is totally out of the gane concept and rules.
xowl (1 February 2020, 0:26) complain
I enjoyed this one immensely
pony401 (21 January 2021, 9:17) complain
No guessing no hint needed. It's great and beautiful. Thank you, Irina.
Ali27 (31 March 2021, 19:12) complain
I enjoied this one so much. I agree: no guessing needed
VergZi (23 April 2021, 16:38) complain
Very pretty. Shouldn't be rated that hard tho. Nice and slow, but not hard.
Headrock (7 May 2021, 0:47) complain
OK, I was sure it was going to be Garfield until the last 1/3 or so...
deidaq (16 May 2021, 7:34) complain
Tricky, but very enjoyable to solve! Excellent image!
Jitender_Sharma (12 September 2021, 9:24) complain
very enjoyable. Thanks for creating this nonogram.
tbturker (24 June 2022, 12:43) complain
It took very long for me. I struggled a lot. I even used a hint (only one).
However, it was a good puzzle. Thanks.
jan_h_skov (4 December 2022, 23:00) complain
Perfect puzzle. A brain teaser. Takes a long time with many calculations, and if-then-sentens. Many thanks, Irina, you make great puzzles.
poopoo (20 December 2024, 3:58) complain
Puzzled (heh) about some comments here. No guessing/edge logic required. No hints used either. There definitely are many way more difficult nonograms on this page.
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