Random crossword
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Japanese crossword «Shell»

Size: 17x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:25.12.18Author: Kimi_Raikkonen

pfh (11 January 2019, 2:01) complain
at first I was thinking "boxing glove"
Corpore (11 January 2019, 18:27) complain
Guest: BC11 (11 January 2019, 18:42) complain
Appreciate the efforts, but this isn't the best.
Nesman (11 January 2019, 22:40) complain
I also thought the same as pfh. I can see it now that I've seen the title, though.
Guest: ZEV ELLIOTT (12 January 2019, 12:24) complain
Thank you for the challenge.
brumeux77 (14 January 2019, 5:48) complain
No, I see what pfh saw, even with the title.
wig420 (25 January 2019, 0:35) complain
Pretty! Good job
Sarei (7 March 2019, 13:42) complain
msat (8 June 2020, 2:44) complain
Ha! I'm joining the club, but I can see what was meant.
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msat (8 June 2020, 2:45) complain
Much clearer in the thumbnail! One should always check the thumbnail before commenting...
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Ruruskadoo (22 June 2022, 5:06) complain
I can reduce the size of the image to get an approximation of what the thumbnail would look like, but when I look for puzzles I have thumbnails for unsolved images disabled, and I have "Hide solved crosswords" checked.

If I refreshed the page the puzzle would disappear because it's solved, and if I unchecked that box it would take a long time to find it sifting through all the other solved puzzles.
show: 5 🗨
msat (22 June 2022, 9:59) complain
If you uncheck the "hide solved crosswords" box and use the Search function to search for the title (or even a part of the title), it's a very efficient way to check the thumbnails. Took me awhile to learn that trick!
show: 2 🗨
zeitdieb (29 May 2023, 23:28) complain
See my answer to Ruruskadoo! I think it's faster than your "trick". And no need to change search options.
show: 1 🗨
msat (30 May 2023, 1:37) complain
Thanks! That's helpful for a number of contexts. (And I've solved more than 11,000 puzzles? Yikes!!!)
zeitdieb (29 May 2023, 23:22) complain
Open your profile (left column in the list above the random crossword) in a new tab and there click on the link next to "Solved crosswords". Now you can see the thumbnails of all your finished puzzles from newest to oldest. Solving another puzzle will require to refresh. So you can look at the thumbnail and then return to the tab with the picture and comment.
show: 1 🗨
Ruruskadoo (1 June 2023, 6:02) complain
Ooh, I hadn't noticed that before, thanks!
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