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Japanese crossword «Bear on skates»

Size: 45x44Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:18.12.18Author: Ol_Ga

deidaq (19 December 2018, 22:20) complain
Mmmmm this was so enjoyable to solve. I knew what it was going to be early on, and couldn't wait to see how it turned out. The puzzle itself flowed nicely, but not without some tricky parts. Excellent.
Ellymayc (22 December 2018, 1:13) complain
Fun image, and very seasonal!
Otelia_Dean (23 December 2018, 12:20) complain
Lol, lots of single blocks, but fun. Had to make educated guesses at times. Thanks.
Janet (8 November 2020, 8:05) complain
A great picture - thank you :))
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