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Japanese crossword «Indian»

Size: 30x32Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:14.12.18Author: Kimi_Raikkonen

John_Robertshaw (20 December 2018, 19:46) complain
Now before some of you go off the deep end and make your usual comments about the image & its title - please read this carefully.
I live in England - and when I was a boy - 60 years ago (long before political correctness had reached our shores) - I used to play "Cowboys & Indians."
We watched TV & film westerns - where the men wearing hats were called Cowboys & those wearing feathers were called Indians.
We read picture books that portrayed Cowboys & Indians.
No one had ever heard of the terms Native American, American Indians or Indigenous Americans.
We were not being disrespectful in the slightest using the name Indian - it was all we knew.
Now I an older & am educated in the minefield that is political correctness - I would never refer to peoples from that ethnicity as Indians.
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tribble (27 December 2018, 9:37) complain
Aside from the fact that they're not necessary since no one is reacting this way, your comments need spoiler tags
brumeux77 (20 August 2024, 17:11) complain
I must admit to being politically incorrectly annoyed by the choice of the aboriginal people in the United States to have chosen to be identified as Native Americans. I'm a native American, although I don't believe I have any ancestral lines that didn't come here from Europe. A native American, just as I'm a native New Yorker. The Canadians to my mind chose much better in calling themselves First Nations.

(Like you, a native old Yorker if I'm not mistaken, I antedate political correctness by several decades. It's frequently exhausting trying to keep up.)
John_Robertshaw (20 December 2018, 19:48) complain
This site is Russian - as are many of the contributors & I suspect Kimi.​
Now put yourself in Kimi's shoes for a minute - living in Russia - never having heard the term Native American - and really ask yourself if was Kimi's intention to be at all disrespectful when naming this truly excellent image?​​
Now onto skin tone!​​
Black & white nonograms are by definition monochrome. In a coloured nonogram Kimi could have matched the image's skin tone fairly closely to that of the Native American. Kimi has chosen to represent it in the image as black. I am expecting comments citing "disrespect" regarding this!​​
Had Kimi chosen white squares for the skin tones - some of you would have called that disrespectful as well.​​
I feel that the artist cannot win. ​​
John_Robertshaw (20 December 2018, 19:48) complain
To those of you who are young & have grown up in the USA or Europe, & cut your teeth on political correctness - I ask you realise that there are people who are older than you who have had to learn about political correctness. There are also people from other cultures who as I write this have had little or no exposure to political correctness as you know it.​​
This is not their fault & as a result they cannot be accused of being disrespectful towards the subjects of the images that they produce or in their choice of title that they give to their image.​​
Rant over!!!
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Femme_Appeal (21 December 2018, 17:05) complain
Nice thought policing. I've been on this site for many years, and can't recall any time someone complained about skin tone in the way you're accusing them of being about to do. Even the to-do about what appeared to be a black-face minstrel image was because the white outline with black skin looked exactly like the makeup choice of black-face performers during that era. Not because they made some ethnicity black or white, which isn't either one.

And the audience also can't win, if you expect them to know that there's a fictional children's character being depicted in those images that is part of Russian or Ukranian culture, and do not allow them to make the same basic ethnocentric mistake you're asking the artist be given freedom to make. The people who ranted at that image were 'shamed' a lot more than the artist was.

Perhaps next time you could give the everyone the benefit of the doubt and not lecture them for saying something they haven't even said yet.
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elemenopee (9 August 2020, 11:30) complain
Thank you!
Femme_Appeal (21 December 2018, 17:07) complain
Oh, and you also might reconsider calling yourself learned in matters of "political correctness." Because you seem to be missing that the key point in not referring to members of the aboriginal people in North America as "indians," is that they're not all members of the same ethnicity at all. And referring to members of the Cherokee, Shawnee, Shoshone, etc. tribes as "peoples from that ethnicity" is the definition of not being politically correct. You might as well call "Oriental" an ethnicity.

This is a global community. Everyone is going to offend someone once in a while. If they didn't, we'd never communicate at all. But everyone learns a lot more from those moments than they learn from preemptively being told, "Oh, stop being so easily offended," before they've even said a word.
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brumeux77 (1 March 2019, 21:38) complain
Or you might as well call "Caucasian" an ethnicity. Oh. We do. Despite the fact that Swedes, Ukrainians, Italians and Irish are at least as distinct as the Cherokee and Shoshone.
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Femme_Appeal (19 August 2024, 7:43) complain
I would argue that no one remotely conscious of what it means would call "Caucasian" an "ethnicity." It is loosely called a "race," by some, though that's given a lot of side-eye for obvious reasons, or maybe an "ethnic background." That's why it's increasingly replaced with things like, "Caucasian/Western European" or something similar. At least that's true in the US, where the concept of "white and black" being races has been common for far too long, though I would assume the default list of ethnic backgrounds is different in other countries, especially those on other continents.
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brumeux77 (20 August 2024, 17:02) complain
To me, distinguishing between "ethnicity" and "ethnic background" is a quibble too small to be meaningful. I know that on all the forms I have to fill out that want to know my ethnicity/ethnic background and give me a dozen options, I pick Caucasian (or Caucasian/White or just White, whatever that form offers).
Onono (20 June 2024, 5:32) complain
A little bit offended, are we?
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Femme_Appeal (19 August 2024, 7:37) complain
A little bit prone to gaslighting are we? :P
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Onono (20 August 2024, 6:52) complain
Not at all. We've been through this before, where you insist on taking offense when none is given.
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John_Robertshaw (20 August 2024, 17:52) complain
I'm with you Onion - well all your skins have slightly different colours!
Chorton (24 April 2023, 14:46) complain
Phew..well that went over well!!! Not! I grew up in the Cowboys and Indians era...so easily recognizable, I think we should let the rest of them sort out their own thoughts and leave the rest of us to ours. Its a good puzzle
Jose_Duran_Granados (21 December 2018, 22:26) complain
Pieternella (28 December 2018, 0:35) complain
Nice pic and fun to make this puzzle.
Allister (4 January 2019, 23:17) complain
Corpore (5 January 2019, 13:26) complain
Very good and fun to solve.
Al-e (5 January 2023, 21:15) complain
Nice, thank you
Kalou (26 August 2024, 10:57) complain
Fun and beautiful, thank's
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