Japanese crossword «The Death Star»
Size: 15x15 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 20.11.18 | Author: Kimi_Raikkonen |
it looks like star of death of star wars but why the cross?
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Spoiler! That's no cross...
That's where the splattery nasty green ray comes out of
That's where the splattery nasty green ray comes out of
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Excellent rendition in a tiny space. The eye and brain fill in.
replyThis is so cool! I so do love it :D Thanks for this great puzzle!
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Doing puzzles is kind of a nerdy thing. Note that need is now a proud identity. If these really bug you, stick to puzzles made by artists who can be trusted to make real things, like Kimi R
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Very fun to do w/out Xs. Kinda looks like a sunset if you look at it the right way.