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Русский English

Japanese crossword «Rebus from military shop (in Russian)»

Size: 55x25Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:07.10.18Author: GUMPERT

Puzzled (7 October 2018, 23:47) complain
Hoping someone explains!!
show: 2 🗨
WonderWomanLynn (8 October 2018, 0:16) complain
me too...I have no clue what this means but it was still a nice puzzle to solve
Guest: Alexander (9 October 2018, 19:30) complain
I have no idea what the three apostrophe symbols at the top mean, but the table and "ET" combine into the Russian word for table "stol" plus "-et" -> "-stol-et". The Russian word for pepper also starts with the "P" sound, and the part that says "2:И" may mean that the second letter makes the Russian "i" sound. So the answer might be "pistolet", which is the Russian word for "pistol" (as Katerina mentioned in her comment).
Guest: Katerina (8 October 2018, 14:59) complain
Класс! Пистолет
nataliecv (10 October 2018, 6:27) complain
Interesting puzzle.
Puzzled (10 October 2018, 7:55) complain
I have never been very good rebus puzzles even in my own language much less one that is so different. It's nice to have the help. Thanks. It makes it more interesting.
Jimbobovalsocks (15 October 2018, 18:25) complain
I didn't really like it much. Too much white space and of course for us non-Russian speakers the puzzle makes no sense!!
show: 1 🗨
Shaggz (8 February 2019, 9:27) complain
Then don't solve any of the Russian puzzles, Jimbob.
MuckTheSystem (9 March 2021, 14:26) complain
Maybe it would make some sense if 'English' was the general language.
As it stands, it is a very absurd puzzle...
lulurose (17 April 2021, 0:51) complain
I enjoyed it, thanks
wilkatis (26 November 2021, 0:44) complain
I'm 3 years late for the explanation, but as Alexander already mostly got it:
Perec (pepper in russian) with 3 apostrophies after it means we drop the last 3 letters = Pe
2=i means we replace the 2nd letter with i = P i
Stol (table) gives us the next 4 letters = P i stol
et added at the end is the finishing touch = P i stol et
Pistolet means pistol, which the corresponds to the title of it being from a military shop.

Oh, and for the people complaining that this isn't in English - your inability to speak any other language is your own shortcoming, not someone elses issue.
Merl (15 March 2023, 5:52) complain
I don't understand it, but I had fun solving it!
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