Japanese crossword #20349
Size: 30x35 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 03.09.18 | Author: PolN0vik |
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First one in a long time I couldn't start without guessing...
That was a tough one
Iam assuming this author does not live in the United States and has no idea about Native culture. This image is, in fact, racist because it is A) a stereotype of a native person, and B) treats native people as if they are somehow "other."
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We are all ignorant. None of us knows everything about every culture in the world. An open discussion of our varying reactions to the puzzle can be educational. See www.nonograms.org/nonograms/i/17297. Note that people in the West struggle with the stereotypically racist quality of this image which is incomprehensible to the artist due to its history in Russia as an image of rescue from slavery and from dehumanization. I love these "ah-ha!" moments.
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Yes we are all ignorant but we are not all racist and bigoted like that comment from Ellen Dishman. I'm an American and I didn't struggle with this being a racist image at all. It's a nice tribute to a beautiful culture. How could that be seen as racist? I'm confused. Granted, there ARE some ugly stereotypes of the Native American population here in the United States, but a tribal leader dressed in full regalia isn't one of them.
In Russia we know about Indians through books of American writers such as Mayne Reid and Fenimore Cooper. I find it strange that someone sees racism in the depiction of an Indian from the past. It turns out that you can only draw a white man. I can't find the words to express my surprise.
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Pay no attention to Ellen. She was a troll (who hasn’t logged in since making this comment). She implied that she lives in the US, but no one in the US says “Natives”. We say Native American. It is almost spoken as a single word since these words are always together. And for the record, ceremonies are still done with headdress and garb. I had a friend who did Hoop Dance competitively. There is nothing bad in either the picture or the title.
Great puzzle! I like the ones where at each early move, there is only 1 or 2 possible moves and you have to find them!
Great puzzle! I like the ones where at each early move, there is only 1 or 2 possible moves and you have to find them!
Do you think that only in US people are different and have different coulture or languages?
What an ignorant comment. I'm an American and nobody I know or have ever met would find anything racist about this puzzle. Your comment however was extremely racist. This is a very nice tribute to Native Americans and their rich culture. Don't be so hateful. This is a fun site and you really brought me down with your bigotry.
The author is from one of our Russian-speaking host countries. There is a large Native population in Russia's Siberian area--which I didn't know until I had been on this site for awhile. The opportunity to be exposed to native and historical dress from other cultures is one of the benefits of international participation in this site.
PoINOvik, thank you for this beautiful black-and-white crossword! Spasibo!!!
PoINOvik, thank you for this beautiful black-and-white crossword! Spasibo!!!
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Russia is a multinational country. It is true that there are small peoples and tribes in Russia. Their way of life is different from the usual to us, they are closer to nature. For example, I have heard legends about shamans who treat any disease. Actually, there is a stereotype in any image. And in every person there is individuality.
Thank you, Sheryl Hill, you are a very pleasant interlocutor.
Thank you, Sheryl Hill, you are a very pleasant interlocutor.
I really enjoyed working this puzzle and I love the final result. What a nice tribute to our Native American friends. I'm an American and I found NOTHING RACIST whatsoever with this puzzle. That comment from Ellen was shameful, ignorant and hateful. (Sorry for the rant but that comment was shocking and really made me mad)
Thank you PoINOvik!
Thank you PoINOvik!
Yup, another American here. This is a beautiful of a Native American leader. Not racist at all. I echo what aboredguy said about the Native vs. Native American. Clearly the rant was written by a non-American who has no clue of what they speak.