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Japanese crossword «Cat»

Size: 33x25Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:11.08.18Author: Anastasia27

Prikichi (12 August 2018, 5:35) complain
Considering the size there is very little detail, but thank you.
show: 7 🗨
cassetete (14 August 2018, 19:07) complain
Prikichi, have I told you your negative comments are getting on my nerves? They are. Especially as a nonogram designer yourself, you should abstain from such comments.
show: 3 🗨
Karal_Daskin (15 September 2018, 10:03) complain
Agree with Carole. And I do like the Nonograms you make, Prikichi.
Shaggz (20 November 2018, 17:30) complain
Yes, each and every one of these pics is an amazingly beautiful masterpiece. How dare somebody not treat them all as if they were exactly the same. Have I told you that your whining is getting on my nerves? It is.
Femme_Appeal (5 January 2019, 6:24) complain
As a designer, Prikichi knows that if the only feedback you're ever giving is positive, you're feedback means nothing. And if an artist can't take even a modicum of criticism, particular when it's constructive, they shouldn't be displaying their art anywhere feedback can be given.

The entire purpose of the comment section is to discuss what we did and DIDN'T like about any puzzle. It's one thing for people to just be nasty and start saying something is garbage. That we can all agree is neither productive nor necessary. But that doesn't mean every person on this site you don't agree with needs to shut up, because you don't like what their honest opinion is. Because THAT is neither productive nor necessary. Especially when your feedback to her perfectly reasonable comment IS nasty, IS a personal attack and IS NOT constructive in the slightest!
Sdawg_Colorado (16 August 2018, 20:35) complain
I agree with Carole and ... many times you give the answer in your comment. That is just wrong !!!
show: 2 🗨
Shaggz (20 November 2018, 17:28) complain
Quit whining.
Femme_Appeal (5 January 2019, 6:27) complain
Prikchi occasionally uses the spoiler tag incorrectly and therefore accidentally reveals the subject of the puzzle. It is infinitely clear that it's an accident and not deliberate behavior. And unless you've ever taken two seconds to message her and make her aware of it, you using it as a justification to continue Carole's literal BULLYING of someone for sharing their honest viewpoint is just wrong!!!

Stop trying to censor opinions you don't like.
Vals (12 August 2018, 10:04) complain
Simple and quick to do but the expression is AMAZING. Love it. Really made me smile.
Corpore (13 August 2018, 0:13) complain
Lisa_G (14 August 2018, 16:36) complain
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (14 August 2018, 17:57) complain
Tricky but solvable. I'm just learning the bigger ones.
Jose_Duran_Granados (21 August 2018, 21:23) complain
Karal_Daskin (15 September 2018, 10:04) complain
deidaq (7 June 2019, 20:44) complain
This was several different objects for me before the image became clear. Fun to guess all along.
Janet (21 April 2020, 6:57) complain
Thank you :))
ggg (9 January 2021, 8:31) complain
Merl (22 March 2021, 2:11) complain
Ageleni (4 February 2024, 9:42) complain
Looks grumpy!
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