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Japanese crossword «Peacock»

Size: 31x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:05.08.18Author: Slavinella

Minky (6 August 2018, 11:48) complain
Very beautiful =)
FROMLATVIA (6 August 2018, 17:34) complain
Looks nice, but way too hard.
stefanocase (6 August 2018, 20:23) complain
wonderful. At the end it was worthy to try. Indeed difficult - but I am here for this, for the challenge, so thumbs up!
OMTEmaM (7 August 2018, 3:32) complain
Cool, but a real pain in the behind. :)
Prikichi (7 August 2018, 5:33) complain
I started this puzzle and then after half an hour put it aside for a later continuance. Today I continued and after well over one and a half hour I finally finished. I am here for a challenge too, but this was more frustrating counting over and over of every line and column then really hard. No fun in my book. The pic looks nice but is way to similar to his brother whom I finished just before this.
show: 1 🗨
Femme_Appeal (21 January 2019, 11:39) complain
There's a difference between challenging and monotonous. I'm afraid this one fell into the latter category for me as well.
CaptainFinnegan (7 August 2018, 8:59) complain
Great picture but very time consuming!
Guest: CyMo (7 August 2018, 9:27) complain
Nice image, but very tedious to solve.
Corpore (7 August 2018, 14:02) complain
Difficult, Nice
spacok (7 August 2018, 17:09) complain
From comments I was quite afraid how hard it will be but I solved harder puzzles here. Nothing so strange but yes 1 1 1 1 are quite annoying. Anyway good and nice puzzle.
ulrikering (10 August 2018, 18:59) complain
indeed not easy but when starting from the bottom, it's symetric allover, so easier to solve... very nice pic !
Sheryl_Hill (11 August 2018, 23:08) complain
Goodness! It's rated 4-stars in difficulty and the results are gorgeous. Listen to stefanocase--some people are here for exactly this kind of puzzle. For me, it depends on the day. If I'm not feeling patient, I set it aside for a day when I am. I thought it was symmetrical, too, ring, but it's not--watch out for that! I confess this may take me a month or two to complete! :) Spasibo, Slavinella!
Doug_Elliffe (14 August 2018, 8:05) complain
48 minutes, but I did have to use some dots. A lovely puzzle, one of the best.
Jose_Duran_Granados (14 August 2018, 21:35) complain
Guest: meow (24 August 2018, 12:08) complain
Nice challenge, not too difficult, but you have to be careful. It's all very logical, in a step by step way. No tricks needed. Thanks, I really enjoyed it!
John_Robertshaw (29 October 2018, 14:05) complain
My brain hurts but my eyes hurt more!
Janet (8 June 2019, 8:53) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
deidaq (12 June 2019, 2:25) complain
My goodness. A masterpiece. This is the kind of puzzle I like - it's not easy enough to be boring, and not difficult enough to be impossible. I solved it very literally one single square at a time. The result is fantastic.
Telula (7 August 2019, 8:15) complain
Beautiful and difficult, quite a lot of fun.
Raichu (12 September 2019, 1:47) complain
Very pretty, but pretty tedious to solve :(
Otelia_Dean (30 October 2020, 2:22) complain
Wow, quite a challenge but an unexpected result. Thanks, really enjoyed it
gogo17 (17 February 2023, 15:56) complain
Patience and good eye sight are more essential than brainwork here.. But as mentioned in other comments, this is also one type of a challenge.. The result was nice anyway.thanks..
Specky1 (28 October 2023, 16:24) complain
specky ☺
miaow (30 April 2024, 0:12) complain
I enjoyed this, my type of challenge. Nice image, thanks
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