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Japanese crossword «Trap»

Size: 35x40Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:27.07.18Author: Sooslick

Prikichi (28 July 2018, 5:33) complain
This size is usually to big for me but I noticed this was your first puzzle so I wanted to welcome you. It could have been a bit more pronounced, but all in all I do see the picture, so thank you and I hope you'll make more.
Sheryl_Hill (29 July 2018, 2:14) complain
Thank you for a very interesting puzzle! I love the picture, the idea, and your excellent image!!! Welcome!! It looks quite scary and effective. What big teeth you have!!
ggg (8 September 2019, 11:34) complain
This puzzle is so clammy, it's not even funny.
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