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Japanese crossword «Fish»

Size: 20x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:27.07.18Author: Prikichi

Chopkinsca (28 July 2018, 2:32) complain
Huh, I thought it was going to be a "check engine" symbol
Palouday (28 July 2018, 5:16) complain
-:) -:) -:) Cute.
Corpore (28 July 2018, 10:22) complain
Guest: Lou (28 July 2018, 16:33) complain
GUMPERT (28 July 2018, 20:23) complain
I thought this to be a superhero, a dino, OMG, a Woody woodpecker, but not a fish!!! Disculpe por favor, but I don't think it's your best dibujo
Guest: Twigg (29 July 2018, 18:17) complain
not great
Risus_Khan (30 July 2018, 4:14) complain
Hitted by truck?
skarabee (30 July 2018, 19:38) complain
ce petit poisson a un air très sympathique !!
Sheryl_Hill (31 July 2018, 9:14) complain
I enjoyed doing this one. Nicely challenging and a great variation on the usual representation of this figure.
Esadurate (31 July 2018, 23:46) complain
Not worth the effort!
Guest: LiaD (1 August 2018, 11:55) complain
Fabulous picture. In agreement with Sheryl on this one
Sdawg_Colorado (2 August 2018, 1:53) complain
I think this is great. You people that don't like it should get a life !!! and you that give the answer should get off the site and stay off !!!
show: 5 🗨
Jimbobovalsocks (2 August 2018, 17:11) complain
Wow! that's a bit aggressive. One of the things I like about this site is that it is 'gentle'. It's increasingly hard to find places on the internet that are not adversarial, trolling and abusive. It's unfortunate indeed that you have chosen to bring this kind of comment to this site.
show: 4 🗨
Karal_Daskin (18 November 2018, 9:26) complain
show: 3 🗨
Karal_Daskin (18 November 2018, 9:27) complain
Not to mention nobody gave the answer this time.
show: 2 🗨
Femme_Appeal (26 February 2019, 23:14) complain
In fairness, Gumpert actually did give the answer, and without a spoiler tag.

Not that this justifies Sdawg's extremely combative and divisive comments, the ignorant and childish argument that anyone who is remotely critical should "get a life" or the arrogant presumption that anyone should "get off this site" because one person - who doesn't own or manage the website - says so. It's particularly obnoxious that Sdawg is now making a habit of complaining about spoilers that are more than TWO YEARS OLD, and predate the spoiler tag functions in some cases.

Malignant narcissism is abound every time anyone on this site starts pissing a combative fit at others for spoilers - which are accidental at least as often as their willful - tells others they have no right to be here for any reason OR tells others they have an obligation to only say positive things about a puzzle or shut the hell up. [1/2]
Femme_Appeal (26 February 2019, 23:14) complain
There's a big difference between everyone having the same right to express themselves, and anyone feeling they are entitled to verbally abuse others on this site.

For that matter, there's also a malignant narcissism in telling puzzle-creators their titles are wrong or make no sense, without doing the research to see if there's a reference or character being displayed that you're unfamiliar with. It's called due diligence and expressing an informed opinion.

I realize there's no way to be notified to replies from older comments, and it impacts "discussion" depth, between players and between them and the creators. But it's still better to ask a question or offer constructive criticism than to make accusations, throw tantrums or presume to tell others what to do. And if more people could be bothered to engage instead of attack - the adversarial crap would ease up A LOT. [2/2]
Waeldare (25 September 2018, 13:46) complain
Nice 3D effects :)
Gloa (3 March 2019, 18:47) complain
Sarei (11 March 2019, 20:44) complain
I think it's cute. I only do not see what the party-hat-like structure on his head is.
Cartoon version - eyes wide. Good puzzle.
expartyzant (21 February 2020, 20:48) complain
Merlin, The Wizard Fish
9thgrs (6 May 2020, 20:56) complain
though very simple, it was fun. Thank you
mmagnus (19 September 2023, 21:55) complain
Wow! One of your best. Charmer!
munkin (9 November 2023, 22:37) complain
This was a tough one for me -- much more so than expected. Lots of counting, and when I was done after about 15 minutes, I thought it was a distorted picture until I realized that it was simply at a different angle than expected. Very cool! I think I'll try it again later because I think I missed a way to make it easier.
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