Japanese crossword «Crow»
Size: 35x30 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 26.07.18 | Author: Ol_Ga |
I didn't like it a lot and the full column to the left made it very easy
replyshow: 2 🗨
There you go again, criticising others for no reason. If you don't like it don't mark it beautiful - no need to say it. Same for easiness. If you don't like easy ones don't do them.
replyshow: 1 🗨
Well, I guess I don't have the skills I thought I had. I found this one quite tough, even though at about 3/4, I could see where it was headed. But I still liked the result.
replyI just looked at the thumbnail--you are very good at designing delicate beauty! it's gorgeous! Thank you!!!
replyThis picture illustrate the fable from "Jean de la Fontaine" : the raven and the fox ("le corbeau et le renard" in french)