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Japanese crossword «Dragon»

Size: 80x80Picture:9/10Difficulty:8/10Added:22.07.18Author: Irina-belko61

malinche (10 August 2018, 18:06) complain
quite difficult, lots of guessing!
Spiros (15 August 2018, 16:33) complain
Nothing to guess ...!!!.
A puzzle of fine pure logic ...!!!.
Thank you, Irina ...!!!
show: 1 🗨
deidaq (4 September 2018, 15:39) complain
How did you solve it without guessing? What tips can you teach me??
Ishana (19 August 2018, 15:43) complain
very hard and very nice
deidaq (3 September 2018, 22:44) complain
Very cool pic, but maybe would work better as color. Too much white space between black spaces...I lost track of how many times I had to guess to complete it.
DarthBlood (4 September 2018, 20:11) complain
Lots of effort needed, but it's definitely possible without guessing.
VernonKun (14 October 2018, 23:24) complain
No guess required
robi80 (11 November 2018, 15:06) complain
Clever puzzle, no guesing required. Thx.
Grzegorz (12 July 2019, 0:49) complain
3:49:55 without guessing :D Nice puzzle!
minon7815 (23 September 2019, 9:31) complain
Nothing to guess..!!
and I dont use hint. :)
fun to solve
very thx!!
Guest: iudicatrix (26 February 2020, 2:04) complain
Awwww, triple cuteness!
Difficult, but possible without guessing.
Thank you, Irina!
Headrock (31 October 2020, 10:15) complain
There's no puzzle on this website where you HAVE to guess. The site tests each puzzle to make sure you can solve it by logic alone - and actively REJECTS puzzles that cannot be solved that way. Save your hints until you're completely stuck, then use a hint and pay close attention to how the computer figured out where the black/crossed squares should go.
show: 1 🗨
poopoo (14 August 2022, 8:00) complain
exactly. sometimes you can learn cool tricks by using hints when you're stuck and seeing what could be figured out!
logicdude61 (24 February 2021, 11:17) complain
3:22:07 BARELY beating the 3:24 average, yay! Where using Hints, Logic, & Guessing go for me as a rule, I 1) have only used a Hint maybe FIVE puzzles total, out of approx. 125 puzzles played, 2) Use Logic MAINLY to start a puzzle with; there are literally 100s of these X- & XX-Large puzzles I so far have NOT been able to start, due to not being to LOGICALLY find the "inroads", and 3) Guessing is frequent, but only on 50-50 choices, or intuition, NOT "randomly" tho
Ali27 (30 March 2021, 17:17) complain
Really really thanks! No guessing, but very hard work! Wow!
VergZi (17 June 2021, 18:16) complain
Not that hard actually. It just takes a lot of time.
shlomi (18 October 2021, 2:28) complain
its long and difficult but guessing ? nope , hints ? nope ..

as for the result .. yummy!!
tbturker (1 December 2021, 9:13) complain
It took my almost 4:30 hours. But it was fun. Thanks.
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