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Japanese crossword «Roving artists»

Size: 45x35Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:14.07.18Author: Irina-belko61

Lyman_Zerga (11 October 2020, 2:52) complain
It's a gratifying challenge but I was stunned about the pic. Really?
I wonder how you dare picking a subject which is so wrong!
Animal abuse shouldn't be allowed here (or anywhere else).
This is the first time I rate a picture as 'awful'.
show: 1 🗨
NatalieC (9 May 2021, 18:35) complain
The same author produced a frankly racist image too. I will be avoiding them from now on
VergZi (20 October 2020, 23:19) complain
That was a pretty good challenge. Harder than most of the top 25 medium sized nonograms.
Grete_Lokkerbekken (12 January 2021, 15:10) complain
Animal abuse?!
miaow (8 August 2021, 14:45) complain
Keeping a bear for entertainment is very sad, I agree that it is abuse. How would you like it, the bear has no choice.
nonogramist (19 April 2023, 12:07) complain
It was interesting to solve .
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