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Japanese crossword «World map»

Size: 42x23Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:12.07.18Author: Slavinella

Sheryl_Hill (13 July 2018, 2:33) complain
Slavinella, I love your challenging black and white nonograms! This was a wonderful challenge, great fun to work out, and I was really curious to discover what kind of animal it was and amazed at the result. Well done! Thank you! Spasibo!!! :))))
muggsy14 (13 July 2018, 3:17) complain
Excellent, really fantastic.
Mik_Mel (13 July 2018, 9:02) complain
So realistic and very exact!
Allister (13 July 2018, 9:29) complain
Very nice! Thanks!
saggi (13 July 2018, 15:10) complain
Awesome, great, wonderful!!
First I finished Australia, but I didn't know what it was :D until I saw both Americas :D .
Murejo (13 July 2018, 20:09) complain
Hmmmm... realistic? Rather futuristic. Seems like Africa is moving south, Madagascar is gone with the vanilla, the Baltic Sea has become a lake...fun though and a bit hard.
ElMuftah (13 July 2018, 23:26) complain
Great job!
Palouday (13 July 2018, 23:42) complain
So now everyone knows what is represented here but that still won't make it any easier to solve. This one is especially challenging even knowing what it is you're working towards. Well done Slavinella.
PickAny (15 July 2018, 4:17) complain
Well made, I love this map and it’s really realistic and I had fun doing it. *Whisper* Although it took nearly 44 minutes to complete for me
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Chorton (16 January 2024, 5:56) complain
Shhh! Me too!
Risus_Khan (15 July 2018, 4:34) complain
I like it
Prikichi (15 July 2018, 21:18) complain
Usually I don't do puzzles this size, but I wanted to do one of your puzzles so I had to. I knew what I was looking at after I saw Asia but it took me over half an hour to get to the end from there. Very nice idea. I can imagine my country is too small to show, but couldn't you give England at least one dot more?
Still this size is too big for me to really enjoy, sorry. But I forgive you because compared to the world this is a very small size LOL
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Femme_Appeal (26 January 2019, 16:43) complain
Hey, at least there's any semblance of Europe in there. It seems that the bulk of Alaska just disappeared without a trace. Though, admittedly, I'm really not sure what on earth is going on with the entire area around Scandinavia.

I'd think it was all flooded by melting ice caps, but I really doubt that we'd lose so much of mainland North America and Europe, while the entire chain of Caribbean islands appears to still be in tact. After all, there are already islands in the Caribbean which are partly below sea level.

What would've been really funny, is if this map looked like the fully modified Peter's Projection map.


cassetete (16 July 2018, 1:38) complain
Sheryl_Hill (16 July 2018, 23:34) complain
Solving this puzzle a second time I notice how few numbers are in the rows and columns. I am mystified and awed by this kind of design!
Jose_Duran_Granados (19 July 2018, 9:56) complain
skarabee (21 July 2018, 20:50) complain
Greer (23 July 2018, 5:21) complain
Really well done
Raichu (10 September 2019, 20:25) complain
soooooo cool. Easily one of the best puzzles I have done here. Very creative and fun to solve. Thank you!!
wgdehaan (14 December 2020, 23:25) complain
Excellent. Thanks!
lulurose (17 April 2021, 22:27) complain
Great! Thanks
gogo17 (23 February 2023, 14:09) complain
Great idea! I loved this one.. Thanks..
sstjeb (2 November 2023, 20:17) complain
I often don't pay attention to the picture as I solve it. With this one, I happen to see what it was going to be about half-way through. Was still a challenge even though I knew what was coming.

Love it!!!
Chorton (16 January 2024, 5:56) complain
Well that was super good!
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The-Nono-Gram (26 July 2024, 11:02) complain
It sure is.
Phil_Jackson (26 July 2024, 5:41) complain
But for two extra pixels, where is New Zealand??
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Chorton (27 July 2024, 2:04) complain
Just off the map
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