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Japanese crossword «Wild cat»

Size: 45x35Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:09.07.18Author: Music

Suzanne_Mixa (10 July 2018, 17:44) complain
I can't see it.
Sheryl_Hill (11 July 2018, 1:22) complain
What an amazing image!!! Very challenging. The result wasn't at all what I expected. Muzika (Russian for Music) is very creative! Thank you, Muzika!!! I went on nonograms.ru to see what they said about it. I think the surprise is that we can't see the head. The cat is sitting like a panther with it's head down on the other side of the branch. People on nonograms.ru thought it was about to spring, but I think that with the legs hanging down like that, it's actually taking a nap. Did anyone else think it was going to be a brain and get quite the surprise?
Sheryl_Hill (11 July 2018, 21:02) complain
Oh! I wasn't seeing it yesterday! Good grief! It's looking right at us--it's face and front legs along the right. It's tail is curled along the branch.
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