Random crossword
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Japanese crossword «No Data»

Size: 17x22Picture:5/10Difficulty:3/10Added:05.07.18Author: Nanichan

Hayley (6 July 2018, 1:55) complain
Interesting, but very simple to solve.
Prikichi (7 July 2018, 7:04) complain
I don't mind easy and I love the size you're working with, but this is just too little substance for me.
nataliecv (7 July 2018, 12:07) complain
Quick and easy to run through.
Sheryl_Hill (8 July 2018, 1:05) complain
Thank you for your second black and white crossword, Nanichan. I am especially grateful as I only do black and white. This one is well-designed for beginners and possibly (I wouldn't know) for the many users who use nonograms like an arcade game--this is the second day the puzzle has been up and it's already been solved over 2000 times! There are various audiences for these nonograms. The people who make comments (like me) are often looking for a puzzle that is a challenge to solve. The arcade players vote in the statistics. There are people who want to make pretty pictures or learn something about culture... (and I don't know what else as I am not doing a market research study)!! :)
Susagger2 (16 July 2018, 10:27) complain
richardmcevoy (31 July 2018, 19:29) complain
Simply but nice. Well done! :)
patrycjusz (11 August 2018, 13:25) complain
Sarei (15 March 2019, 20:21) complain
For me not a real challenge, but indeed it can be nice for starters and others.
Guest: LiaD (10 April 2019, 15:00) complain
Nice and simple
Rooks (14 October 2019, 19:36) complain
Sometimes its nice to go back to do a easier puzzle for relaxation-especially after a hard day's work. I enjoy the simple puzzles for this.
msat (21 July 2020, 21:58) complain
I was looking for a simple and quick puzzle to do as a transition in my day when I didn't want to spend a lot of time on a puzzle. This was perfect! Thank you. My challenge is to see how fast I can complete the simple puzzles.
Celandine (25 August 2021, 16:59) complain
Sometimes it's good to have a really quick puzzle. This image is charming
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