Japanese crossword «Pewit»
Size: 35x35 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 20.06.18 | Author: Prikichi |
Beautiful image. Puzzle requires quite a bit of scrolling on enlarged setting. Solving hint: start with bottom three rows. Now for the GOOD stuff: The pewit is a Eurasian bird whose cry sounds like pee-wit. It is a member of the lapwing family and known under other names, depending on where you live. A decent article with pictures is to be found in the dictionary of misinformation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_lapwing . I would love to see those male pewits tumbling through the air during mating season. That must be quite a sight!!
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In the Netherlands pewits make their nest in meadows and the farmers aren't allowed to mow during the breeding season. It's the first bird to lay eggs in spring and it's some kind of sport to search for the first pewit's egg that was actually offered to the queen when I lived there, not sure if they offer it to the king now.