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Japanese crossword «Bulldog»

Size: 15x20Picture:5/10Difficulty:5/10Added:13.06.18Author: Prikichi

Guest: Ouine (14 June 2018, 13:21) complain
Not so simple... but I don't like the pic
William_Graendel (14 June 2018, 16:08) complain
Sorry, can't see heads from tail :(
skarabee (14 June 2018, 22:30) complain
c'était pas facile à commencer mais le résultat est étonnant vu la taille .. bravo
Guest: BC11 (15 June 2018, 0:14) complain
Hmmm... Thatnks for making us the puzzle, but it's very hard to make out the face.
Corpore (16 June 2018, 0:06) complain
You can do much better than this
pfh (16 June 2018, 7:18) complain
I can kind of see it... tricky puzzle!
Merl (16 June 2018, 23:10) complain
Fun, but the picture is a bit muddled.
kberg (18 June 2018, 3:38) complain
I didn't think it was a good picture, but it was an excellent skill challenge.
Sheryl_Hill (18 June 2018, 8:04) complain
Really hard to pull off something that looks like the title in a 15x20 puzzle. I like the size and I love the challenge. I thought it was going to be cauliflower. Perhaps it's a cauliflower that's trying too hard? Good effort, Prikichi!
show: 1 🗨
Sheryl_Hill (19 June 2018, 0:38) complain
Keep working on the small puzzles, please! You're really good at them! And remember how much we appreciate them!!!
Sheryl_Hill (19 June 2018, 19:59) complain
I did a search of all 15x20 puzzles of dogs (there are three, two by Prikichi). I also looked at 20x15 puzzles of dogs. Not one (besides this one) tries to capture a breed. One can see in the thumbnail that the essence of bulldogishness is here. It is a real achievement.
Risus_Khan (21 June 2018, 21:07) complain
A bulldog
Hitted by a truck
FellHarbor (21 June 2018, 21:13) complain
The body isn't bad. I think where it could use some improvement is around where the nose is. It's just a little too "thick" or dark. But like others have also said, kudos for trying such an intricate and specific image.
Alan_and_Wendy (10 July 2018, 4:41) complain
Interesting puzzle, but perhaps the subject was a little too complex for a small grid. Don't like to be critical because I admire your skills, Prikichi and top marks for trying.
twodumps (7 November 2018, 2:22) complain
After a while I got it, but what I saw wasn't pretty.
Sarei (16 March 2019, 4:12) complain
Too complex for this size, I think...
But nice to do!
Guest: LiaD (11 April 2019, 22:37) complain
Not an easy puzzle
Really hard - great puzzle.
Judith_Lerner (29 December 2019, 23:06) complain
Looks much more like a turtle or a cabbage than the intended subject, but it was fun to do anyway.
muldep (23 March 2021, 3:33) complain
realy hard = not that good pic
simmanin (14 May 2023, 5:08) complain
haha, a real challenge (still learning middle difficulty small size) the body is real simple, but the face is very detailed, absolute comedy gold and nice face! if it wasnt intentional comedy, its great, but if it was intentional, bravo!
mmagnus (29 July 2023, 20:10) complain
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