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Japanese crossword «Moydodyr»

Size: 43x41Picture:7/10Difficulty:8/10Added:27.05.18Author: Slavinella

Sheryl_Hill (30 May 2018, 4:03) complain
This was the most difficult crossword I ever tried. Congratulations to those of you who work it out fairly. Better you than me! ;))) The result is very interesting and rendered, as is always the case with Slavinella, wonderfully. Moydodyr is a magical and rather nasty creature who aggressively washes little boys who refuse to wash off the dirt. It is from a 1923 poem (called Moydodyr) by Korney Chukovsky and is a familiar symbol in Russia. Check out the image here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moydodyr
Bekaram (29 June 2018, 5:31) complain
Hard for me. I used all 3 hints. No guesses, but some errors.
Risus_Khan (25 July 2018, 18:18) complain
Not too hard but i dont get whats the picture?
robi80 (11 January 2019, 2:03) complain
Wow! Thx.
VergZi (19 November 2020, 0:19) complain
Well, I had to put up a fight. Great one. Loved it.
org-nonograms (23 December 2020, 23:41) complain
@Risus_Khan : I had no idea either. But you can look up the title on Wikipedia or Google and get your answer.
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