Japanese crossword «Cherry»
Size: 25x35 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 01.05.18 | Author: irina032 |
Thank you for designing crosswords for us, Irina! Your style is bold. I am not sure how to say it. Often it is difficult to identify a picture without looking at the thumbnail. It is as if your crosswords are designed to be seen full-size. It is beautiful and brings life to this subject. I also enjoyed the challenge of the puzzle. Thank you very much!
replyshow: 1 🗨
Wow, this is your still your FIRST WEEK of designing crosswords for nonograms.org! Well done, welcome, and thank you for the challenging black-and-white puzzles!
replyA tricky puzzle... but very rewarding, Irina! This is a subject I've seen many times on this site, but rarely done this well (especially in black & white). Thank you so much!
replyIrina, I love your puzzles so much...thank you for sharing them with us!
replyThe tree is in blossom now. Soon we'll be enjoying them freshly picked.