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Japanese crossword «Farmer»

Size: 25x35Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:30.04.18Author: irina032

Corpore (1 May 2018, 10:22) complain
greedy (1 May 2018, 20:04) complain
Very complex!
Phil_Faidley (3 May 2018, 14:37) complain
Wow! Excellent and complex puzzle
linemilie (3 May 2018, 21:45) complain
I liked the challenge, but it was a bit too small for the level of details in the picture :)
Palouday (4 May 2018, 6:38) complain
Excellent puzzle. But very tough.
I've asked this before: if this has a difficulty level of 3.5, would a level 5 even be solvable? I say the because this one was a huge challenge. Required a lot of counting.
show: 1 🗨
Sheryl_Hill (5 May 2018, 8:05) complain
New puzzles may start out with a lower difficulty level and be adjusted upwards as a result of feedback from the users. But it's not just a function of counting. The degree to which you have to use the last rule and the size of the puzzle come into play.
Sheryl_Hill (5 May 2018, 8:01) complain
Do some farmers still pull carts by hand where you live, irina? I don't know if this is a glimpse into your culture or into the past.
show: 1 🗨
Sheryl_Hill (5 May 2018, 18:03) complain
Interesting farmhouse--it looks like you get a lot of snow where you live! :)
Jose_Duran_Granados (22 May 2018, 22:51) complain
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