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Japanese crossword «Mercator»

Size: 51x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:20.04.18Author: JayH

Sheryl_Hill (21 April 2018, 2:25) complain
At my request, JayH kindly made a black and white version of this amazing nonogram which s/he previously published in color. And... (drum roll)... here it is!!! Thank you, Jay!
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Author JayH (23 April 2018, 17:09) complain
You're quite welcome! :)
hinckc (27 April 2018, 15:26) complain
Do you have a link to the colour?
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Otelia_Dean (24 April 2018, 0:29) complain
Good one. A pity that New Zealand seems to have fallen off the map :)
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Author JayH (24 April 2018, 18:32) complain
It was a pretty bad earthquake... (Seriously, though, sorry for the oversight. :) )
Georgia_Mallotidou (25 April 2018, 23:15) complain
Amazing picture thank you Jay H. My country Cyprus is not shown as well, but never mind is a tiny one :)
hinckc (27 April 2018, 15:26) complain
Fantastic! Loved this one.
VaeVictis (24 January 2023, 4:27) complain
This is a shitty Mercator projection map, and it belongs in the dustbin of history!
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