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Japanese crossword «Long-eared hedgehog»

Size: 40x30Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:20.04.18Author: Tverianka

Sheryl_Hill (4 May 2018, 3:12) complain
Magical as it looks, the long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus), is a real-life animal who lives in Eurasia and parts of the Middle East. Apparently hedgehogs run rampant in Eurasia.
Corpore (6 May 2018, 20:36) complain
I like it
Georgia_Mallotidou (12 May 2018, 11:25) complain
Indeed Sheryl Hill, they live in Eurasia, we have many here in my island Cyprus, sadly most of the time they are run over by cars in forest roads. Sometimes, during the summer, because of the extreme heat and because they are thirsty, they leave forests and come in towns in search of water, so it is a common thing to find them in your gardens . Nevertheless they are so cute and we must protect them, so it is Tverianka's puzzle, thank you i really enjoyed it!
Jose_Duran_Granados (20 May 2018, 3:58) complain
Palouday (29 May 2018, 15:30) complain
Beautiful. Complex right to the end.
Bekaram (11 June 2018, 5:14) complain
Somewhat easy. 55 minutes to solve without any guess/hint.
GUMPERT (11 December 2018, 22:12) complain
cool picture! it's cute
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