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Japanese crossword «Dyudyuk»

Size: 40x45Picture:7/10Difficulty:8/10Added:09.04.18Author: marmotM

Chris11028 (17 April 2018, 13:23) complain
Very cool, took me a while, thanks!
Risus_Khan (25 July 2018, 13:21) complain
Whats this?
Jim_Raynor (12 January 2021, 18:04) complain
This is the first puzzle I am commenting after solving many.
For me the end result is less important than the pleasure of solving it, the road to it rather than the goal itself :)
It is very difficult and therefore pleasurable for the reason that very few squares yield after solving the previous group. One has to look carefully the entire area to find how to continue and when it looks like there is a breakthrough, again great care is needed to find the spot that is open. There are also a lot of stages that can lure you to make a mistake. Very well composed puzzle!
xowl (9 October 2021, 0:54) complain
I do not understand the picture, but I enjoyed the puzzle
sine (5 September 2024, 11:04) complain
One of the most difficult nonograms I've done.
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