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Japanese crossword «River crossing»

Size: 44x45Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:07.04.18Author: Vigil

greedy (8 April 2018, 18:06) complain
I don't understand the title? Where is the river? I only see the dog...
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Sheryl_Hill (9 April 2018, 2:12) complain
I believe this is an illustration from the riddle about the goat, the wolf, and the cabbage (look it up). You can see the farmer's little boat behind the wolf--it's on a wide river. The windmill is on the other side. Nice concept, amazing to pull it off in this format!
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greedy (9 April 2018, 11:57) complain
Thank you for the answer
Sheryl_Hill (8 April 2018, 22:03) complain
I would love to be able to solve this, but it's too big for me. :'(
Sheryl_Hill (9 April 2018, 7:07) complain
AWK!!! S.O.S.!!! ***MY COMMENTS ABOVE CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!*** I am so sorry.
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Ellymayc (12 April 2018, 3:02) complain
Don't worry about it - your explanation was very helpful and I for one am grateful for it - and I never read the comments until I've done the crossword anyway :)
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Sheryl_Hill (25 April 2018, 21:48) complain
How kind of you. :)
Greer (3 May 2018, 3:04) complain
Complex and difficult; I took my time and really enjoyed putting it together.
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