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Japanese crossword «Doggie»

Size: 20x23Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:05.04.18Author: Slavinella

William_Graendel (9 April 2018, 18:07) complain
Found it impossible to complete without guessing.
Guest: BC11 (9 April 2018, 18:55) complain
You don't have to guess though it wasn't super easy. They have a program that tests the pictures to be sure there is a way to solve them with logic that all the puzzles pass before they are published.
Palouday (10 April 2018, 7:18) complain
Tough but manageable.
Corpore (10 April 2018, 10:44) complain
Jose_Duran_Granados (13 April 2018, 0:11) complain
Raichu (13 April 2018, 16:45) complain
I actually thought this was easier than some of the other B&W puzzles that are rated easier than this. I wonder if there are really big differences in the way we process things that make some kinds of logic easier for different people?

Anyway, I love the picture, and I like the more creative takes on common themes like dogs. :)
show: 3 🗨
Sheryl_Hill (16 April 2018, 0:22) complain
I really like your comment, Raichu. Thank goodness there are such is such a variety of cognitive gifts among us--we do, after all, have many problems to solve IRL! Even one's own brain may vary at times: a puzzle that may seem easy when I'm rested may seem difficult when I'm tired. Also, all crosswords start with a 2.5 rating and it takes awhile for the difficulty rating to get where it's going.
show: 2 🗨
Christiana_Bradshaw (14 June 2018, 2:16) complain
I for one will have to come back to this one. It's kicking my butt :)
Shaggz (9 July 2019, 22:40) complain
I often have to pause puzzles and come back to them later. I have noticed that either I'm too tired, and my brain doesn't function all that well, or that sometimes a break helps reset my brain so that I can come at the puzzle from a different angle, or catch something that I missed before.
Sheryl_Hill (16 April 2018, 0:23) complain
I love this puzzle, Slavinella! Really excellent!!! :)))
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (10 October 2018, 21:29) complain
I think I like these because they force me to think logically.
halemates (28 July 2020, 17:43) complain
Great angle! Thank you x
Celandine (17 July 2021, 15:57) complain
I almost gave up near the beginning, but then saw one more thing I could do, and one more, and so on.
carol1961 (1 April 2024, 22:34) complain
Cute image.
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