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Japanese crossword «Fish in whorls»

Size: 80x64Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:22.03.18Author: kefir

Chris11028 (23 March 2018, 13:06) complain
So, I have an Imac 24" and even in full screen, zoomed to fit, this is so big I cannot read the numbers. Love, love, love these puzzles but I cannot do this one. It's too big.
Ellymayc (25 March 2018, 5:26) complain
Gorgeous design - love the intricacy. Very clever!
xowl (10 January 2020, 4:06) complain
Well, that took some doing.

Very enjoyable!
tbturker (18 May 2023, 13:33) complain
It was fun. The design is fabulous. Thanks.
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