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Japanese crossword «Catch»

Size: 40x41Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:15.02.18Author: Vigil

Sheryl_Hill (16 February 2018, 21:33) complain
This appears to be the Golden Fish from a Russian folktale in which a poor fisherman catches a golden fish who promises to give him anything he asks in return for its freedom. Though the fisherman wants nothing, his wife insists he call the fish again and again, asking for more and more until all she has desired is destroyed.

The puzzle is way too big for me, so I cheated and filled in the edges. After that, it was quite enjoyable. ; )
Jose_Duran_Granados (16 February 2018, 22:29) complain
Sheryl_Hill (17 February 2018, 3:56) complain
Further research has led to fairytales that suggest, among other things, that the hooks on the right are holding a lobster net with a baby or merchild or similar creature... At any rate, King Fish seems to be doing the negotiating. I guess we use our imaginations! ;)
Sheryl_Hill (18 February 2018, 3:42) complain
Vigil tells me it's a ripped boot. I wondered about that, but couldn't find a story that would explain it. So the smart fish puts the boot in the net, which is attached to two hooks on the right. Very clear in the thumbnail.
Ellymayc (20 February 2018, 9:16) complain
Thank you, Sheryl - I could see the fish but couldn't quite work out the rest. Very helpful!
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