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Japanese crossword «Cafe»

Size: 46x27Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:06.02.18Author: Charl

Sheryl_Hill (7 February 2018, 8:57) complain
Beautiful! A great juxtaposition of rural and urban. A snapshot of real life! Wonderful! Thank you, Charl!
nonolearner (7 February 2018, 14:29) complain
Besides for the fact it says cafe I wouldn't know it was a cafe.
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Nix (8 February 2024, 21:20) complain
But it does say CAFE, so hey presto, you do know what it is. Stop moaning :)
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nonolearner (3 March 2024, 14:34) complain
this is a section for comments, I made a comment, the fact you disagree is irrelevant. If you think it is a moan that is your opinion. You are entitled to that. But you are not entitled to tell me I am moaning and to stop doing it. I will make whatever comment I feel is appropriate at any time. You do not have any right to tell me how to be or do anything. Plus this comment was 6 years ago. Long forgotten in my mind.
Sheryl_Hill (8 February 2018, 1:28) complain
It's a cafe in India, I suspect. Check out the parking bumpers along the front--I didn't catch them the first time! It's amazing the similarities and differences among countries.
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Nix (8 February 2024, 21:21) complain
Agree with you - I love travel.
paskasika (9 February 2018, 10:55) complain
I agree with Sheryl! Very beautiful and detailed! You can almost smell the sweat aroma of roasted coffee beans and hear the busy chattering inside! Judging by the architecture this might be from Pondicherry.
Christiana_Bradshaw (9 February 2018, 12:47) complain
Jose_Duran_Granados (20 February 2018, 21:33) complain
Nix (8 February 2024, 21:21) complain
Different from the norm and I love it! Nice one :)
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