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Japanese crossword «Roots»

Size: 45x35Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:03.12.13Author: Irina-belko61

Mirabel (29 February 2016, 4:45) complain
Difficult but fun!
froghopper (10 June 2017, 17:13) complain
VernonKun (25 December 2017, 1:19) complain
Don't find it difficult...
Risus_Khan (4 May 2018, 4:41) complain
Not difficult enough
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Lyman_Zerga (5 October 2020, 11:55) complain
If this is not difficult enough please tell me how to continue. I´m totally stuck here.
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Risus_Khan (20 October 2020, 13:25) complain
Hint: Look at right up side. If u start 5 from begining, the left 4 is gonna block there ;)

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Risus_Khan (20 October 2020, 13:27) complain
Omg i used spoiler tag wrongly. Im so sorry :(
Lyman_Zerga (21 October 2020, 16:11) complain
There's neither rhyme nor reason to your hint. It's gibberish.
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smkim000 (22 January 2021, 3:35) complain
I was able to solve this using that hint...
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Lyman_Zerga (26 January 2021, 15:14) complain
Your genius won't help me any further. How was this helpful?
The hint still makes no sense to me at all. So please explain.
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ordi (19 May 2021, 16:12) complain
Well, this reply is a bit late, but maybe you or someone else is still interested in the solution of this puzzle. :D
You probably have to use edge logic in order to solve the puzzle.
Putting the 5 in the upper right corner for example results in this
( https://imgur.com/a/hvAlaNx ) contradiction and therefore you have to put an X in C45/R1. You can cross out some more squares in this column using edge logic and-more importantly- you can also use edge logic in row 2,5 and 6 to find even more Xs in the upper right corner. ( https://imgur.com/a/hDcXoU8 )
I hope this helps. :)
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Lyman_Zerga (20 May 2021, 23:35) complain
I wasn't aware of edge logic. Thank you for clearing that up. It wasn't gibberish after all for which statement I apologize.
However, it is solvable without using edge logic. I found the 'traditional' solution in row 20 which was really hard to deduce. I've never had to use edge logic before and as it turns out, not even now.
I have doubts edge logic is a legit way to solve nonograms.
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ordi (21 May 2021, 19:46) complain
Oh nice, I like your solution! It took me some time to see the two squares that have to be filled in in this row, really clever! :)

Well, tbh I don't mind using edge logic whenever I'm stuck on a puzzle. It's a logical way after all to cross out some squares and I think edge logic is even required to solve some of the puzzles in Mario's Picross 2 for the Gameboy and Mario's Super Picross for the SNES.

But yeah, apparently edge logic isn't required to solve the puzzles on this site or the ones from the newer Jupiter games for Nintendo Switch, so I also understand why some people refuse to use edge logic. :)
Raichu (30 November 2022, 6:46) complain
It definitely is legit, even if you don't like using it. I used it in this puzzle and I use it in many puzzles if I get stuck
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Raichu (30 November 2022, 6:48) complain
Specifically, I used it to get out of being stuck in the same spot you were :)
Lyman_Zerga (18 December 2022, 13:57) complain
The goal of solving a difficult puzzle is not taking an alternate route to solving it the easy way. You may have solved it, but you skipped the hard part.
Of course, everyone is free to solve a puzzle their own way. There are no strict rules, but using edge logic is not the way as was originally intended. This is evident by the fact that if you take a smart hint, it will never point to edge logic.
Edge logic isn't guesswork, okay. But if you use it, you cheated. That's how I see it.
nino4kab (14 August 2023, 23:07) complain
I found the 'traditional' solution in row 20
could you please describe this solution?
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Lyman_Zerga (15 August 2023, 17:40) complain
The solution is not only hard to understand, but also difficult to explain.
I will give it a go though. The solution lies in the last four digits of row 20.
For readability let's call r20c25 = A, r20c27 = B, r20c29 = C, r20c31/c32 = D

1) Cell A must be part of the 11. Duh, obviously :)

2) If D is part of the 5, it's impossible for the 11 to end up to the right next of cell A, for the next 4 cells (i.e. up to and including cell C).

3) If D is NOT part of the 5, then D becomes part of the 11, as a result.
Thus, all between A and D is blacked out (so, that includes cells B and C).

4) If the 11 is fully filled in to the left side of A, then D must be part of the 5. Consequence: B and C have to be filled in (i.e. 11-1-1-5 filled in contiguously).

Conclusion: Considering previous arguments, B and C must be completed.

It's complicated, I know. It took me considerable time to get my head around this incredibly hard problem. But it was fun working on it nonetheless, and it still is.

Hopefully this will help.
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smkim000 (4 January 2024, 5:57) complain
Thank you for your explanation. But I don't understand why you claim that this is a "traditional" way that was "intended" and the edge logic is cheating.
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Lyman_Zerga (5 January 2024, 2:33) complain
I don't claim anything. It's just how I see it, i.e.my opinion, which I clearly stated. Furthermore, I can't think of anything to make it more clear than I already did, except that anyone who claims this 4.5-star puzzle is easy, used edge logic to solve it.
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smkim000 (5 January 2024, 4:14) complain
Thank you for the answer. I respect your opinion but still can't agree with your view.
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Lyman_Zerga (5 January 2024, 14:02) complain
Let me try once more. There is a reason why this particular puzzle was given a 4.5-star difficulty.

I don't give up easily, but for arguments’ sake, let's agree to disagree ;)
Spiros (26 June 2018, 5:03) complain
Very clever puzzle ...!!!.
Thank you, Irina ...!!!.
robi80 (27 May 2019, 19:38) complain
Jose_Duran_Granados (13 July 2019, 5:40) complain
Janet (24 December 2019, 11:22) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
miaow (28 December 2020, 14:00) complain
Very difficult, it took me several hours! Wow! Thanks for the challenge, I enjoyed it.
smkim000 (22 January 2021, 3:35) complain
Great puzzle!!!
smkim000 (6 October 2022, 3:51) complain
Did it again. Great again!!
Raichu (30 November 2022, 6:47) complain
Excellent puzzle! Very challenging to get started but once I got a foothold, smooth sailing, and lovely picture!
Kevin_Chen (31 March 2023, 12:36) complain
The numbers are calculated very cleverly
carol1961 (19 May 2024, 18:33) complain
Very good puzzle.
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