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Japanese crossword «Winter fun»

Size: 80x55Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:21.11.17Author: Irina-belko61

Mairsybeth (25 November 2017, 21:06) complain
Well that was fun! Nice picture also.
Chris11028 (27 November 2017, 15:32) complain
Ooff. This one took a while, but very pretty!
tmkirk (30 November 2017, 5:24) complain
You get almost completely done and then your stumped. There is only one place to proceed and you have to calculate until you get it. Good job.
dlt101 (27 February 2020, 18:04) complain
Fabuous! Many places where logic is needed more than arithmetic.
Spiros (23 September 2020, 16:32) complain
Joyful picture, and a lot of fun solving this ...!!!.
Thank you, Irina ...!!!
lieve7 (19 November 2022, 19:53) complain
best picture ever! fun until the end!
tbturker (11 June 2023, 17:49) complain
It took 2:30 for me Irina and I can say that, I enjoyed every second of it. The resulting picture is amazing. Thanks.
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