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Japanese crossword «Fruit Tree»

Size: 43x45Picture:6/10Difficulty:8/10Added:03.11.17Author: Furflefluffer

Sheryl_Hill (16 November 2017, 0:14) complain
Go for it, Furflefluffer! I love how you used negative space here--it makes the picture interesting. And I love how you use your own design--very creative of you! Kudos to you for hanging in there after the poor response your first effort got. I wish I had the guts to put some art out there. Thanks for working in black and white. That's also quite a challenge! I'm afraid I can't give you feedback about how it was to work the puzzle as I've not figured out how to work puzzles that are more than about 23 pixels high. Rats! ;)
bikinikys (19 November 2017, 6:16) complain
i love the picture, it's so cute! great job using negative space
Ali27 (8 March 2021, 20:08) complain
Really nice picture. Veryh ard to start but fun to solve and enjoiable. THX!
Specky1 (25 May 2021, 11:28) complain
I might hang myself from one after all that brain slog !!!
Guylaine (12 June 2021, 0:20) complain
Very great challenge! Thank you very much!
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