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Japanese crossword «Lovers»

Size: 80x60Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:05.08.17Author: Irina-belko61

Spiros (15 August 2017, 12:43) complain
An emotional picture !!!.
Very nice !!!
froghopper (21 January 2020, 4:28) complain
We're kissing in the moonlight
Love was shining so bright and true
When dancing in the starlight
Sweet memories of my first night with you
robi80 (2 May 2020, 15:40) complain
xowl (17 December 2021, 2:45) complain
Really great image. Her face is especially lovely.

My brain is having some problems resolving the perspective. To me it looks like her left side is passing behind his left side, yet his right hand is on her left shoulder and their faces are at the same depth. I may just be too tired to make sense of it.
tbturker (1 July 2023, 9:18) complain
Very romantic. Thanks Irina.
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