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Japanese crossword «Potion»

Size: 15x16Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:03.05.17Author: l-master

Guest: Denny (26 May 2017, 14:59) complain
Nothing power.
Party_McFly (13 June 2017, 23:57) complain
The bottle on the left looks good, but not sure what is represented on the right.
Corpore (15 June 2017, 11:59) complain
Looks like a glass with a straw
markceck (20 June 2017, 16:28) complain
Yes, a glass with a straw! How did you not notice that? (I am not ironic, which thing do you usually associate with a bottle? A hanger?) :) :)
Sheryl_Hill (17 November 2017, 7:18) complain
Perhaps someone is going to get poisoned... or receive a love potion... or... Funny, though. I've never heard of a straw being involved...
Femme_Appeal (23 January 2018, 8:23) complain
The object on the right is most likely a mortar and pestle. That is what would be classically associated with making potions.
Charl (14 February 2018, 22:55) complain
not a straw, i think it might be the glass rods used in chem labs to stir chems
Prikichi (28 July 2018, 1:00) complain
I was thinking it was a soft drink with a cup and a nice pic of it, too bad I got poisoned before I could rate it ...
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