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Japanese crossword «Ninja»

Size: 30x45Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:16.04.17Author: l-master

rcormode (19 April 2017, 16:25) complain
very difficult
badgeret (19 April 2017, 23:06) complain
is it? :))
Guest: Dauragon (27 April 2017, 2:23) complain
It really isn't.
Guest: Steverino (27 April 2017, 19:07) complain
There was a lot of detail, but it was pretty straight-forward. Took some time, but not difficult.
Aether (29 April 2017, 17:53) complain
Liked it
Guest: katamino (5 May 2017, 17:36) complain
very long
Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (15 September 2020, 22:13) complain
This looks an awful lot more like Kendo than Ninjitsu.
show: 6 🗨
Headrock (16 September 2020, 4:02) complain
You just gave me an idea for a puzzle.
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Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (16 September 2020, 16:51) complain
I've noticed a majority of your puzzles have Japanese subject matter! Very well done
show: 4 🗨
Headrock (17 September 2020, 1:24) complain
Pure coincidence. For some reason I've managed to get Japanese-themed puzzles working more often than other subjects. I've got at least half a dozen non-Japanese-themed puzzles stuck in the "less than 30% white" stage that I just can't be bothered to fix. :P
show: 3 🗨
Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (19 September 2020, 14:57) complain
if there's one thing I can't stand in this world, it is whatever algorithm this website uses to approve puzzles. There are some puzzles where the colors are practically identical and its ok, but when 2 of my colors are even REMOTELY similar, i get flagged lol
show: 2 🗨
Headrock (19 September 2020, 16:52) complain
I know exactly what you mean. I could live with it if there was someone to talk to, but I must've sent a dozen contact requests over the years and have yet to receive a single reply. I don't know if they're lazy, or just can't speak English.

I guess that's the price we pay.
show: 1 🗨
Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (19 September 2020, 19:10) complain
id argue its probably the latter, but yeah all of my attempts to contact literally anyone in charge have fallen on deaf ears. So i guess ill just continue to struggle through puzzles and see which ones get published
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