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Japanese crossword «Bear»

Size: 44x42Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:30.03.17Author: RICH

ggg (26 May 2019, 2:16) complain
Simple is good, but this is a large puzzle with lots of space for detail and the puzzle doesn't have any. Want simple? Make it much smaller and don't waste our time filling large black areas. It's a neat looking picture, but it's BORING TO SOLVE!
show: 1 🗨
richi5000 (12 May 2023, 13:47) complain
Just because it's boring for you, it doesn't mean its boring for everybody. I like to do these larger simple ones from time to time.
Beethoven (21 March 2021, 11:01) complain
dude shut the fuck up
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