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Japanese crossword «Nocturnal predator»

Size: 80x65Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:25.03.17Author: Irina-belko61

Mafalda_Belo (5 May 2017, 4:09) complain
The difficulty is mainly by the big size of the puzzle. But worth the time. Only found the solution reaching the end :)
Spiros (16 June 2017, 23:48) complain
Very good picture and puzzle !!!.
The center part of the image is brilliant !!!.
bijke (18 October 2018, 9:58) complain
Gorgeous picture! tnx :-) you are amazing!!! Always looking out with pleasure when I see a puzzle with your name!!!
deborah (7 March 2019, 6:20) complain
Wow, excellent picture. And a terrific challenge. Thank you.
robi80 (17 March 2020, 19:38) complain
Good job!
tbturker (2 February 2024, 17:00) complain
Another excellent puzzle, with a perfect picture from Irina. She is definitely my favorite author.
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